Trusts working with Maths Hubs

Understand how MATs can work in partnership with Maths Hubs

Across England, approximately 35% of primary schools and 60% of secondary schools are now part of a trust, and many have already worked in partnership with their local Maths Hub. Most trust schools regularly participate in a Maths Hub Work Group as a routine, ongoing part of their approach to professional and school development in maths.

In the early days of the Maths Hubs Programme, most schools participated as a result of individual decisions by headteachers and principals. Now, as the number and size of trusts nationally has grown, many trust leaders have begun to work in partnership with one or more of the 40 Maths Hubs in England. This enables trusts to achieve their vision for maths teaching through collaboration with other local system leaders and subject experts.

Maths Hubs and trusts

Any trust or school working with their local Maths Hub benefits from:

  • Fully-funded professional development for teachers of maths, teaching assistants, and leaders of maths
  • Evidence-based CPD which draws on contemporary research into teacher pedagogy and subject knowledge
  • The opportunity to retain staff and grow leaders through the provision of high-quality, bespoke, subject-specific professional development
  • A long-term partnership designed to meet the needs of the trust or school

A model for partnership

There are many ways in which a trust can work in partnership with a Maths Hub, drawing on expertise from both within and outside the trust, and working exclusively with trust schools or with a wider network. All these models involve maths system leaders (sometimes also called local leaders of mathematics education or LLMEs) supporting groups of schools to develop their maths teaching.

In trust schools that work with their Maths Hub, trust leaders understand the value of enhancing the collaboration that already exists within a family of schools, with the expert input and wider experience-sharing that comes with Maths Hubs professional and school development.

These four models illustrate how trusts are currently working in partnership with Maths Hubs, and the potential value of each approach. And trust senior leaders share the benefits of working with their local hub. Click on the image to see the full version of the flyer, with quotes from trusts on the first page, and an enlarged version of the model on the second page.

More about the work of the NCETM and Maths Hubs

Want to know more? Our website should have answers to any questions you may have, and if not, please contact us and we will be delighted to help.

How are trusts already working with hubs?

Read our features to learn about trusts that are already forming partnerships with their hubs.

How can your trust get involved?

Get in touch to find out more about Maths Hubs and how they can work with your trust

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