
Eugenia Cheng rethinks gender around maths

‘Is there a relationship between maths, gender and learning? How might it be characterised?’ Dr Eugenia Cheng shares her ideas.


Eugenia Cheng rethinks gender around maths

Dr Eugenia Cheng is a research mathematician who teaches maths to arts students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She was born and educated in England and is an honorary fellow at the University of Sheffield. Eugenia holds a strong commitment to making maths accessible to all, and to this end, is the author of a number of popular maths books and articles.

Eugenia’s reflections on being a woman in the world of research mathematics make for interesting listening. She compares her experiences of teaching maths students and arts students and argues that associating certain behaviours with masculinity or femininity is unhelpful. To make the world of maths more open to all, she suggests we adopt a different way of thinking and talking – and even makes up some new words!

Her thought-provoking ideas about maths, gender, how children learn, and cooking (!) will be of interest to anyone wondering about why maths alienates some of their students.

No time to listen to the full podcast? Read the short synopsis article.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

  • Dr Eugenia Cheng, Scientist In Residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Gwen Tresidder, Communications Manager, NCETM

Useful links

Eugenia mentions Christopher Danielson's book Which one doesn’t belong?. There is also an associated website.

Eugenia’s website: www.eugeniacheng.com.

Eugenia also uses abstract mathematics analogies to explain the world we live in – in her TEDx talk she explains social inequality using prime factorisation!

You can also find Eugenia’s series of cooking videos ‘The Mathster Chef’ (go to the bottom of the page).