
Covid recovery primary maths resources

Training materials, PowerPoints, videos and more are here to help primary schools plan maths teaching for the new school year


Covid recovery primary maths resources

As primary schools across England welcome back all their pupils, teachers’ thoughts are turning to the significant task of developing a Covid recovery curriculum. We know that, during school closures, some pupils will have fallen behind their peers, so we have developed resources to enable schools and teachers to support all pupils as they return to the maths classroom. These materials have been created to ensure you have the knowledge and confidence to give your pupils the best possible start to learning maths in the new school year. Many of the resources are designed to be used alongside the new DfE Mathematics guidance published in July this year. Simply follow the links below to start downloading, exploring and planning.

Ready-to-progress criteria PowerPoints

Have you heard about the ready-to-progress criteria in the new DfE guidance? Or maybe you’re still getting your head round them? This suite of 79 PowerPoints includes one for each criterion. Each PowerPoint features pupil activities, discussion points for teachers, and links to useful resources. They are organised by topic and by year group, making it easy for you to access what you need, when you need it.

Training materials to support DfE guidance

Got an opportunity for some collaborative professional development this term? This ready-to-use PowerPoint is designed to offer a training session for teachers getting to grips with the new DfE guidance. It features interactive tasks aimed at promoting discussion and exploration of the guidance, as well as questions a school can ask to unpick its maths curriculum, and help with developing an action plan to address Covid recovery.

Video lessons, teacher guides and lesson PowerPoints

If you made use of our video lessons during lockdown, you don’t need to stop using them now. As well as 188 lessons for pupils across Years 1 to 6, we also have comprehensive teacher guides, and have recently added the PowerPoint for each lesson. Editable PowerPoints mean that you now have the resources at your fingertips to help children build their understanding securely, while adapting the lessons to your own teaching sequence and the needs of your pupils.

Introductory video for DfE guidance

For a quick and easy way to understand what is in the DfE guidance, and what it means for you and your school, this three-minute video is the perfect starting point. It explains the ready-to-progress criteria and their role in planning an effective maths curriculum.

Additional support materials

As well as our new materials aimed at Covid recovery, don’t forget that there are plenty of other resources available across our website. Our Primary Mastery Professional Development Materials, already used in thousands of schools, are designed to enable teachers to work together to develop their subject knowledge and understanding of teaching for mastery. They will help you break your curriculum down into the steps that pupils need to take to develop deep understanding. If you teach Year 6 pupils, you might also be interested in our training materials on Shaping the Year 7 curriculum: building on Year 6. Aimed at secondary teachers, they focus on successful curriculum transition from primary to secondary. And don’t forget that you can still join a Maths Hub Work Group in 2020/21. Check out the national professional development projects on offer, and get in touch with your local hub to find out more about opportunities near you.