Two east London heads

Heads of two neighbouring east London secondary schools explain how their schools have benefited from engagement with their local Maths Hub

In this 16-minute interview, recorded in early March 2020, the heads of two neighbouring east London secondary schools explain how their schools have benefited from engagement with their local Maths Hub (London North East Maths Hub) with particular reference to how maths teaching has adopted teaching for mastery approaches.

The two heads are:

  • Andrew Roberts, Riverside School, Barking 
  • Janis Davies, Sydney Russell School, Dagenham

Both heads explain how, in the long run, there are great gains to be had from releasing maths teachers to take part in collaborative work with other schools, in Maths Hub Work Groups, to develop deeper knowledge of how teaching for mastery can be embedded in secondary school maths teaching.

To find out how your school could do similar work, contact your local hub. You can also find a wealth of related information on our mastery pages

[NB: if you want to show just one of these sections at a staff meeting or workshop where there isn’t a secure Internet connection, we suggest you download the whole video, then, once downloaded, move the blue time bar along to the section you’re interested in, and press PLAY.]