Evaluating the professional development

Creating opportunities for teachers to reflect, discuss and record the impact on their practice and thinking

A key part of the professional development is the opportunity at key points during workshops and school gap tasks for teachers to reflect, discuss and record the impact on their practice and thinking. The formats used by teachers to do this also provide a key source of evaluation for the project. Some of the main documents are indicated below.

Teacher reflection documents

At the end of a workshop

Teacher workshop feedback: (Session 4 - Plenary) teachers summarise key learning points and grade the day prior to handing in a copy as a workshop evaluation.

Click to view Teacher workshop feedback template

Following the gap task:

Lesson Study pro-forma: This records the key points from the post-Lesson Study discussion. This is a key part of the feedback discussion at the next workshop.

Click to view KS3 Lesson Study pro-forma

Post-unit reflection: This records a teacher’s reflection on the impact of the teaching of any of the unit lessons on their thinking and practice. This is brought to the next workshop to support feedback discussion.

Click to view Post-unit reflection template

At the end of the project

Final teacher project evaluation booklet: Completion takes place over Sessions Three and Four in the final workshop. Teachers summarise their overall perceived professional development gains for the project. The booklet includes qualitative reflection and quantitative grading. This provides an important opportunity for teachers to reflect and consider ways forward on what they have gained. Copies might also be emailed to the PD Lead (who has been running the workshops) to support wider evaluation of the programme.

Click to view teacher project evaluation booklet