
What is it like to be in a Maths Hub Work Group?

Two secondary teachers explain how participating in a Work Group on mathematical thinking helped their teaching


What is it like to be in a Maths Hub Work Group?

Two secondary teachers, one a head of department, explain how participating in a Maths Hub Work Group on mathematical thinking both helped their own teaching and sowed seeds of improvement in their departments.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

  • Satveer Bahia, from Platanos College, working with London Thames Maths Hub (@Mathshub_LT)
  • Catriona Shearer (@CShearer41) from Saffron Walden County High School, working with Cambridge Maths Hub (@CamMathsHub)
  • Steve McCormack, NCETM Communications Director.

For information about all Maths Hubs projects and Work Groups, and to find contact details for a Maths Hub near you, go to our Maths Hubs section.

This article from a recent NCETM Secondary Magazine gives more information and first-hand accounts of what being in a Maths Hubs Work Group entails. 

Chapter markers

09:28: What took place in the mathematical thinking Work Groups
15:20: How being in the Work Group helped Satveer and Catriona as classroom teachers
18:00: How each teacher took what they learnt back to their school maths department
24:52: How Satveer and Catriona will approach the role of leading their Work Groups this year (2018/19)