Using number lines in Key Stage 1
Five ways to use a number line for maths in Years 1 and 2

The NCETM's Director for Primary Mathematics, Debbie Morgan, suggests a progression of five different number lines to help children build understanding of the relationships between numbers from 1 to 20. In the discussion, she suggest ways for teachers to draw out pupils' reasoning skills, use of language and the beginning of understanding proportion.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion are:
- Debbie Morgan, NCETM Director for Primary Mathematics
- Steve McCormack, NCETM Communications Director
Useful links
- In the introductory remarks, Debbie refers to the DfE's guidance for teaching maths in primary schools (2020)
- Debbie also refers to the ready-to-progress criteria contained in the DfE guidance
- For help with planning maths in Key Stage 1, go to the NCETM's primary curriculum prioritisation resource
- NCETM podcast, Using number lines in Key Stage 2.
This is the drawing Debbie and Steve referred to during their conversation. Click to enlarge.