
The PE teacher in the maths department

How Maths Hubs are helping secondary school maths departments 'train up' non-specialists to teach maths


The PE teacher in the maths department

Simon Hemsworth, who trained as a PE teacher, is now in a role called transition teacher at an Oxfordshire secondary school, a role in which he teaches about ten lessons of KS3 maths every week. To support him in this new role, the school enrolled him on a training programme for non-specialist secondary maths teachers, run by his local Maths Hub. In this episode he discusses his experience with his head of department and the NCETM person who designed the course.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

  • Simon Hemsworth, Transition teacher at The Henry Box School, Witney, Oxfordshire
  • Karen Moss, Head of maths at The Henry Box School, Witney, Oxfordshire
  • Nicola Trubridge, Assistant Director for Secondary at the NCETM
  • Steve McCormack, Communications Director at the NCETM

Episode chapters

  • 00:06 - Introductions
  • 04:46 - How Simon approached the sessions
  • 05:46 - The course timetable
  • 07:01 - The course content
  • 11:11 - Simon's experience
  • 12:28 - How Karen saw Simon's teaching develop
  • 18:26 - How to find information about the programme. 

Useful links