
Teaching through the pandemic 4 – Nikki Bailey

A deputy head talks about using active learning in maths across Key Stages 1 and 2, and the benefits this has had for children after a long period of home learning


Teaching through the pandemic 4 – Nikki Bailey

Nikki Bailey is deputy head and Year 1 teacher at a primary school in Chester. She has long been an advocate of teaching maths through physical activity, but has found this particularly beneficial in autumn 2020, with children returning to school unaccustomed to periods of formal, focused concentration. She describes activities and encourages other teachers to have a go.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

Nikki Bailey: deputy head, SENCO and Year 1 teacher from Oldfield Primary School, Chester.

Gwen Tresidder: NCETM Communications Manager

Useful links

During the conversation, Nikki mentions Teach Active, the active learning resource package used by her school.

A definition of 'active learning' along with further reading suggestions can be found on the Wikipedia page.