
Teaching through the pandemic 2 – Gemma Scott

A secondary head of maths talks about formative and summative assessment strategies under Covid-19 restrictions


Teaching through the pandemic 2 – Gemma Scott

Gemma Scott is Director of Maths at a large 11-18 comprehensive school in East Yorkshire. Restrictions to reduce virus transmission in schools limit teachers’ opportunity to assess student progress in many of the usual ways. Circulating the classroom to help individuals, and marking books, for example, are subject to new restrictions in most schools. Gemma discusses how her department have approached this, and what they are using in place of their usual assessment practices.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

Gemma Scott: Director of Maths at an East Yorkshire 11-18 comprehensive school.

Gwen Tresidder: NCETM Communications Manager

Useful links

Gemma tweets as @DirectorMaths and writes a blog: An honest account of life as a Director of Learning.