Secondary Maths: Inside the EEF Practice Review
We explore the key findings of the EEF Secondary Maths Practice Review
In this episode, the NCETM’s Dr. Jen Shearman and Carol Knights discuss the EEF’s Secondary maths practice review. The review identifies some of the challenges facing leaders of maths in English schools, including the national shortage of maths teachers, the widening gap between disadvantaged students and their peers, the need for greater focus on students in KS3, and the ways maths departments are approaching these challenges. Jen and Carol also touch upon the implications for the NCETM and the Maths Hubs Programme, and the projects underway to address the issues highlighted in the review.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion:
- Carol Knights, Director for Secondary Maths, NCETM
- Dr. Jen Shearman, Director for Evaluation and Impact, NCETM
- Julia Thomson, Senior Communications and Marketing Manager, NCETM.
Episode chapters
- 00:00 Introduction and welcome
- 01:19 Overview of the EEF Secondary maths practice review
- 03:02 Key findings: teacher skills and expertise
- 04:24 Addressing the shortage of maths teachers
- 05:11 Impact of COVID on disadvantaged students
- 07:35 The importance of mathematical talk
- 10:01 Integrating problem-solving in maths lessons
- 13:02 Use of representations and manipulatives in secondary maths
- 16:16 NCETM and Maths Hubs professional development
- 18:39 Future directions and recommendations
- 22:43 Conclusion and final thoughts.
Useful links
- EEF Secondary maths practice review (2024)
- Maths Hubs Securing Foundations in Year 7 project
- Maths Hubs Secondary Non-specialist Teachers (SKTM) Programme
- Maths Hubs Years 5-8 Continuity project
- Oracy Education Commission We Need to Talk (2024)
- Ofsted Coordinating Mathematical Success: the mathematics subject report (2023).
- Explore previous episodes of the NCETM podcast in our archive.