Remote teaching: the digital revolution?
Two tech-enthusiastic teachers discuss what’s been learned by remote teaching, and what still limits learning

This podcast was recorded in July 2021 in the final weeks of a very disrupted school year.
Over the past decade, Andy has been exploring the possibilities offered to maths teaching by ‘digital ink’ (being able to hand-write on a screen). He found this invaluable to his teaching during the two school closure periods, and we wanted to see what Kyle thought about his ideas. Kyle has appeared on the podcast previously: Remote teaching returns 1 – Kyle Evans and Kathryn Darwin | NCETM
Until March, Andy Lumley was teaching at Cheadle Hulme School in Stockport. Kyle Evans teaches and leads maths at Barton Peveril sixth form college near Southampton.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion are:
- Kyle Evans, Director of Maths and computer science at a large sixth form college near Southampton
- Andy Lumley, Learning Technology Lead, MEI
- Gwen Tresidder, NCETM Communications Manager.
Episode chapters
- 01:46 – Andy explains what he thinks technology can (and can’t) offer
- 02:56 – What is ‘digital ink’ and what does it offer
- 03:45 – Digital ink for teachers
- 06:26 – Digital ink for students
- 07:04 – What is being used at Kyle’s college
- 08:50 – Kyle’s hesitancy about replacing paper and pencil
- 10:51 – Should every student have a stylus?
- 12:01 – What would they keep from remote teaching?
- 17:03 – Student engagement online
Useful Links
Kyle tweets as @kyledevans. Andy tweets as @desire2undrstnd.