
Raising girls' participation in maths

Rachel Beddoes explains what the barriers are for girls, and what teachers and schools can do to overcome these


Raising girls' participation in maths

After GCSE, 20% fewer girls than boys continue studying maths. This limits their access to some of the more challenging, interesting and lucrative careers. But why? In this podcast episode we speak with Rachel Beddoes, Girls’ Participation Coordinator of the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). She explains what the barriers are for girls, and what teachers and schools can do to overcome these. She also gives details of events and bespoke support available from the AMSP and other organisations. There are links below for more details of these.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

  • Rachel Beddoes, Girls’ Participation Coordinatior, AMSP
  • Gwen Tresidder, Communications Manager, NCETM

Episode chapters

  • 00:57 – The creation of the AMSP
  • 02:34 – Rachel’s (maths) life story
  • 04:34 – Why is a Girls Participation Officer needed?
  • 07:34 – Why are fewer girls doing advanced maths than boys?
  • 11:33 – What is AMSP doing about it?
  • 13:50 – How could teachers address these barriers?
  • 15:30 – Core Maths and girls
  • 19:33 – What can teachers do? 
  • 22:01 – What are Stemettes?
  • 24:11 – What can 11-16 schools do?
  • 26:13 – The role of female maths teachers
  • 28:51 – Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
  • 31:33 – Whole school strategies

Links for research and initiatives mentioned in the interview:

  • Stemettes: a social enterprise working to inspire and support young women into STEM careers
  • WISE (Women in Science, Engineering and Maths) campaigns: People like me and My skills, my life
  • Equals: inspiring and empowering girls to use maths to pursue exciting careers in STEM (Items for students, teachers and parents on the website).