
Our Tuesday Twitter-based chats

Two regular #mathscpdchat hosts explain what they, and others, get out of these weekly conversations


Our Tuesday Twitter-based chats

Secondary maths teachers Gemma Scott and Kathryn Darwin both occasionally host the NCETM’s Tuesday evening Twitter-based chat under the hashtag #mathscpdchat. Why do they do it? Aren’t they busy enough as senior members of their maths departments? And why do they think these chats can provide powerful CPD for maths teachers, even those who don’t use Twitter?

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion are:

  • Gemma Scott, head of maths at an 11-18 comprehensive near Hull
  • Kathryn Darwin, second in department at an 11-16 comprehensive in West Yorkshire
  • Steve McCormack, NCETM Communications Director.

Useful links

Gemma tweets as @DirectorMaths

Kathryn tweets as @Arithmaticks

Find all summaries of previous chats, and notices of upcoming chats, on our #mathscpdchat page.

You can find out more about the discussions in our feature article.

Three summaries mentioned in detail during the conversation can be found among the summaries, as follows: