

We speak to Maths4Girls, who provide inspirational speakers and role models to talk to students about why girls can and should study maths



We speak to Maths4Girls, who provide inspirational speakers and role models to talk to students about why girls can and should study maths.

A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion:

  • Beth Goodliff, Senior Comms Manager at the NCETM
  • Mina Gerowin, founder of Maths4Girls
  • Alison Rowan McEwan, executive director at Founders4Schools
  • Noshin Begum, marketing and comms lead for Maths4Girls
  • Lou Hoskyns-Staples, Research and Innovation Work Group Lead for ‘Girls and STEM’.

Episode chapters

  • 00:20 – Introductions to the participants
  • 05:43 – The founding and work of Maths4Girls to date
  • 08:50 – Advice for girls about the importance of studying maths
  • 14:02 – What Maths4Girls can provide
  • 15:58 – Maths Hubs Work Groups exploring maths for girls and STEM
  • 23:10 – The impact of role models
  • 24:24 – Advice for teachers of girls to encourage them to be confident mathematicians

Useful links