
Learning in Lockdown 7 – Laura Behan

An Early Years teacher talks about working in the EYFS bubble as the rest of her school opens up to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6


Learning in Lockdown 7 – Laura Behan

Laura Behan talks about working in the EYFS keyworker bubble as the rest of her school opens up to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. We hear about how the school has organised staff, children and the buildings, and how they are providing learning from home and support for the rest of the pupils.

We hope that this interview, and others, will generate ideas and allow listeners to reflect on what works best for their own situations.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion, recorded on 10 June 2020, are:

  • Laura Behan, Year 2 teacher and Maths Lead at a primary school in Greater Manchester
  • Gwen Tresidder, NCETM Communications Manager

Episode chapters

  • 00:06 - Introduction to Laura's school
  • 03:41 - How the phased re-opening started
  • 05:14 - How bubbles work
  • 08:21 - How much social distancing in bubbles
  • 11:51 - What work has been sent home
  • 13:06 - Evidence of pupils' lost learning
  • 15:16 - Thoughts about start of autumn term
  • 16:41 - Advice for schools still to start re-opening

Useful links

Laura tweets as @LauraBehan21. She runs a teacher resource website and blog, Teacher Tips, tweeting as @TeacherTipsUK .

During the podcast, Laura mentions:

Learning By Questions

White Rose Maths

NCETM primary lesson videos



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