Embedding mastery in a primary school
Two teachers tell their stories, and explain how mastery is being introduced across a Maths Hub area

Embedding teaching for mastery in a classroom and across a primary school takes time. In this episode two teachers tell how working with their Maths Hub has gradually led to improvements in maths learning across their schools.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion are:
- Ellie Kelly, Maths Lead and Y1/2 teacher at The Revel C of E Primary School, near Rugby
- Becky O’Neill, Assistant Principal and Maths Lead at Henry Hinde Infant School, near Rugby, and also Primary Teaching for Mastery Lead with Origin Maths Hub
- Steve McCormack, NCETM Communications Director.
Useful links
Information about teaching for mastery on the NCETM website
Information about the Maths Hubs Network across England and all the CPD opportunities they offer.