
Secondary Round-up - September 2021

Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available


Secondary Round-up - September 2021

The first Secondary Round-up of the new school year includes:

  • New DfE guidance for KS3 - written by the NCETM Secondary Team
  • New to teaching maths? - a summary of what the NCETM has on offer for early career teachers, trainees or non-specialists
  • Year 7 Checkpoints - a feature article giving a tour of our new resources
  • Podcast interview - we talk to a teacher who reviews and summarises education books
  • Interview with Prof Hannah Fry - who uses maths to analyse human behaviour.

The NCETM Secondary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.

Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.