
Secondary Round-up - October 2023

Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available


Secondary Round-up - October 2023

In this month's Secondary Round-up:

  • Five ways to use number lines - based on a podcast with the Secondary Team's Becky Donaldson, we share five ways to use the number line in your classroom
  • New Director's blog post - learn what Charlie Stripp thinks about the Ofsted maths subject report
  • 60-second update - watch our latest video from Emma Bell for news on post-16, the NCETM on Instagram, myth-busting and more!
  • Maths Hub projects recruiting - don’t miss out on free CPD for this year - Maths Hubs’ projects still have places left
  • Free maths resources from Oak National Academy - resources developed by MEI, in consultation with the NCETM, are now available!

The NCETM Secondary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.

Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.