Secondary Round-up - May 2024
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available

In this month's Secondary Round-up:
- Smoothing the transition from KS2 to KS3 - we find out how one head of department was able to support new Year 7 students to hit the ground running with KS3 maths
- NCETM Director on maths subject associations - In his latest blog post, Charlie Stripp takes a look at maths associations and the benefits of membership
- 60-second update - Jane Hawkins from the NCETM’s Secondary Team gives an overview of new CPD for secondary schools
- New Maths Hubs CPD available - our comprehensive new catalogue has over 30 professional development opportunities for teachers and schools, recruiting now for 2024/25
- Equals Conference: Access for All - the Mathematical Association’s SEND conference takes place in Coventry this September.
The NCETM Secondary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.
Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.