Secondary Round-up - March 2024
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available

In this month's Secondary Round-up:
- Put the Ofsted subject report into practice: reasoning through talk - we explore what the 2023 Ofsted maths subject report advises on reasoning and how you can put it into practice
- NCETM Director on university maths - in his latest blog post, Charlie Stripp looks at the benefits of university maths for students getting a B or C at A level
- Listen now: Understanding Dyscalculia - in a new podcast episode, we discuss dyscalculia with Cat Eadle, co-founder of the Dyscalculia Network, and explore the benefits of taking a mastery approach
- Checkpoints for Years 7 and 8 - assess what your KS3 classes know and understand with our popular Checkpoints resources
- AMSP Core Maths Summer Festival - a free series of interactive online workshops for teachers of Core Maths this June. Register now.
The NCETM Secondary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.
Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.