
Secondary Round-up - February 2021

Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available


Secondary Round-up - February 2021

With full school re-opening on the horizon, February's Secondary Round-up points you to resources that might be useful for a more normal classroom and school experience.

  • 'Planning to teach' videos and downloadable resources - we suggest ways to use them that you might not have thought of
  • New 'Insights from experienced teachers' videos - unpicking the detail of our Mastery Materials
  • Curriculum sequencing for completing the square - are you building this concept from Year 7?
  • Podcast interview with Maths4Girls - find out how to connect the students you teach with women who use maths in their careers
  • Increasing girls' participation in post-16 maths - a new AMSP webpage with plenty of ideas and resources.

The NCETM Secondary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.

Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.