
Recruitment now open for Secondary Mastery Specialists

Around a hundred teachers are needed, spread across England


Recruitment now open for Secondary Mastery Specialists
NOTE: this information applies to the 2020/21 round of applications

The NCETM and Maths Hubs are looking for a further cohort of secondary maths teachers to join the three-year Mastery Specialist Programme. Around a hundred teachers are needed, spread across England. Since this is a development programme for a school, as much as for an individual teacher, applications must be endorsed by school headteachers.

In the first year of the programme, Mastery Specialists concentrate on developing their own classroom teaching. The second year focus is on developing teaching for mastery in their school’s department. Finally, in the third year, the specialists support two nearby schools as they take their first steps in introducing mastery approaches to maths teaching. On the way, all Mastery Specialists acquire NCETM Professional Development Lead status.

There are already 500 Secondary Mastery Specialists in existence, at varying stages of the programme. Many of them are already working with other schools, using the Work Group model of professional development, which characterises all Maths Hubs work.

If you and your school would like to join the programme in 2020/21, read the information document and application details.

The closing date for applications is 8 June.

Application information for 2021/22 is available in a separate news item.