
Primary Teaching for Mastery Work Groups now recruiting

Primary Teaching for Mastery Work Groups now recruiting


Places are now available on the funded Teaching for Mastery Programme, run by Maths Hubs across England. This year, we are looking to recruit another 3,000 primary schools, with each Maths Hub working with at least 100 schools. Teachers taking part in the programme will develop the skills and knowledge to deliver teaching for mastery in their classrooms.

The Teaching for Mastery Work Groups are a year-long school and professional development opportunity. It is led by trained Mastery Specialists. These school-based teachers have already developed teaching for mastery successfully in their own schools. They have been trained to support other schools in implementing the same approaches.

During the academic year starting this September, each school taking part in the programme will become part of a Maths Hub Work Group. A Work Group consists of six or seven primary schools, led by a Mastery Specialist from a nearby school.

As well as receiving this free training, recruited schools will receive a small grant towards paying for teachers to be released. They will also be able to claim financial help towards the cost of buying textbooks. Teachers taking part in the programme in 2019/20 will follow in the footsteps of more than 2,000 schools receiving the same training this year.

You can find out more from your local Maths Hub, or on our recruitment page.

Recruitment page

When your school is ready to apply, the headteacher must complete the application form and send it to their local Maths Hub. If you are not sure which is your local Maths Hub, send your application form to Schools must return applications to their local Maths Hub by Friday 22 March 2019.