
Primary Round-up - September 2021

Our latest Primary Round-up is now available


Primary Round-up - September 2021

September's Primary Round-up brings you resources to help your maths teaching get off to a great start this year:

  • Resources and CPD for the new school year - all our new and not-so-new materials you might have forgotten about, or not yet found
  • Curriculum Prioritisation - have you seen our new resource, now complete for the autumn term?
  • Mastering Number for Reception and KS1 - only a few days left to sign up!
  • Podcast - with a primary teacher who reviews and summarises maths education books
  • Podcast about the making of Numberblocks - with our Primary Director, Debbie Morgan.

The NCETM Primary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.

Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.

Read the Primary Round-up