Primary Round-up - November 2023
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available

In November's Primary Round-up we bring you:
- The new Maths Hubs annual report is here! Case studies, statistics and interviews celebrate the work of England's Maths Hubs in 2022/23
- Maths games in the classroom - part 1 of this new NCETM podcast episode dives deep into the power and potential of maths games with experts from NRICH and the EEF
- New blog post from Charlie Stripp - NCETM Director, Charlie Stripp, shares his thoughts on the latest Ofsted maths subject report
- Free maths resources from Oak National Academy - free maths curriculum resources developed by MEI, in consultation with the NCETM, now available!
The NCETM Primary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, or if you have new colleagues, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.
Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.