
Primary Round-up - November 2020

Our latest Primary Round-up is now available


Primary Round-up - November 2020

November’s Primary Round-up features a chance to refresh your knowledge in teaching areas that may have gone rusty. There’s a look at how Maths Hubs help schools cement teaching for mastery—over several years, a podcast discussion around making maths more active, and a look at what Maths Week England has been offering to primary teachers.

  • Time to refresh an area of subject knowledge? Our new materials for primary ITE tutors will support both experienced teachers and those at the start of their training
  • Places still available in Sustaining Work Groups – teaching for mastery takes time to embed into school life. Maths Hubs are there to support your school for the duration. Join a Sustaining Work Group for local collaborative CPD
  • New podcast episode: more than running around – a Year 1 teacher explains how getting pupils moving around in maths has helped them get back into the swing of learning
  • Maths Week England might be nearly over, but the primary resources contributed are all still available.

The NCETM Primary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.

Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.

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