Primary Round-up - February 2022
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available

As the school year nears its half-way point, in our Primary Round-up for February, we turn our attention to a couple of mathematical terms that might be new to you, and we point to two areas of our website that aren’t new, but that might be of use to you, or to a teacher you’re supporting:
- Ordinality - why understanding ordinality amounts to more than grasping ‘first, second and third’
- In the Classroom - have you explored this section of our website? It's full of professional development and classroom resources to help you do your job
- The fundamentals of primary maths - if you’re mentoring a new teacher, or feeling your own way in maths teaching, our materials aimed at teacher trainers might help
- Spatial reasoning - experts in the maths of early childhood have produced a toolkit to support the development of this area of maths in the under 8s.
The NCETM Primary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.
Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.