Primary Round-up - April 2020
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available

Our new Primary Round-up is now out. In these changed times we focus on learning in lockdown, with our new online lessons, support for parents, CPD from home, and teacher reflections.
- NCETM online lesson videos - the first week’s worth of these online short lessons are available now
- Have you seen our parent support pages? Some of the best resources for supporting home learning
- Join our Twitter #mathscpdchat - professional discussions on how best to support children learning from home
- Supporting families in lockdown - a new Mr Barton Maths Podcast explores creating online lessons for primary
- Your own online learning at home - with our Mastery Professional Development Materials.
All this is in our April Primary Round-up. The NCETM Primary Round-up is delivered to your email inbox the second Friday of every month. Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.