
NCETM welcomes A level maths results and continued popularity of subject


Today students across the country receive their A level results. We welcome another year of success for students taking A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics and celebrate the continued popularity of the subject. A level Maths is again the most popular subject, with almost 92,000 students taking the qualification.

Students have received their results for Core Maths today. Again, an increase in entries has been seen, with 9,027 students taking the qualification, up from 6,849 in 2018. The number of students achieving A grades has also increased from 15.2% to 16.7%.

The NCETM’s Director, Charlie Stripp, said:

“Well done to the AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics students (and their teachers!) on their achievements this year. This year’s students are the first full cohort to take the new mathematics A levels, and they were also the first to take the reformed GCSE Mathematics in 2017, so they’ve been the pioneers of the new mathematics qualifications. I’m convinced the reformed mathematics A levels will provide a better foundation for university study in STEM disciplines, and hope that this year’s small reduction in entries will recover once the new qualifications become more established over the next few years.

It’s great to see increasing numbers of students gaining a Core Maths qualification - well done also to them and to their teachers. Our interviews with former Core Maths students this year confirm that the skills the students have learned will be useful to them in their future lives and study. Core Maths qualifications are proving their value and numbers should continue to grow strongly.”

Charlie Stripp is also Chief Executive of MEI, and more statements about today's A level results can be found on the MEI website.

Congratulations from the NCETM to all those students who achieved qualifications in Maths, Further Maths and Core Maths this summer, and to their teachers.