
NCETM primary mastery professional development materials now complete


We’ve finished publishing our professional development materials to support primary teachers introducing a teaching for mastery approach in maths. 

They’ve been written by a team of Mastery Specialists, developed under the Maths Hubs Programme, working with other experts in primary maths teaching and learning, and led by the NCETM’s Director for Primary Mathematics, Debbie Morgan.

We’ve split the curriculum up into three areas – we call these ‘spines’ – Spine 1: Number, Addition and Subtraction, Spine 2: Multiplication and Division and Spine 3: Fractions. Each spine is composed of a number of segments, and we’ve also provided a recommended teaching sequence for segments across the three spines.

An explanation of the structure of these materials, with guidance on how teachers can use them, is contained in a Getting Started video we’ve put together for you.

The focus of the materials is on developing teacher subject and pedagogical knowledge to improve maths teaching. They will support collaborative planning of lessons and sequences of lessons and can be used in combination with other high-quality resources, such as textbooks. Many of the representations used to expose mathematical structure are reproduced on animated slides that can be used in the classroom.   

You can find out how one primary school is already using the materials in this article.