NCETM Newsletter - January 2020
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available

Happy new year! In a blog post for the new year, our Director, Charlie Stripp, calls for all maths teachers, including all primary teachers, to be given a protected amount of subject-specific professional development time every year.
Also this month:
- Teaching for mastery? But what will Ofsted say?
- Shanghai Showcase events
- New video reflecting the first five years of the Maths Hubs Programme
- Mathscpdchat continues
- Subject association conferences
- In brief.
NCETM Director says ongoing professional development of maths teachers should be taken more seriously
The NCETM’s Director, Charlie Stripp, has called for all maths teachers, and all primary teachers, to be given a protected amount of subject-specific professional development time every year.
Only then, he argues in a new blog post, will teaching become, in his words, 'a career worth having'.
Charlie laments the fact that ‘the professional development structure for teaching, particularly the development and accreditation of subject-specific teaching expertise, has been virtually non-existent’.
But he also strikes a hopeful chord in arguing that the professional development provided through Maths Hubs, and its sister organisation, the Advanced Maths Support Programme (AMSP) is of high quality.
Teaching for mastery? But what will Ofsted say?
Over a short series of one-minute videos, Debbie Morgan, our Director for Primary, talks to Emma Gregory, a senior Ofsted inspector, about teaching for mastery.
In conversation they cover six areas:
- differentiation
- textbooks
- when children don't 'get' something
- resources used in lessons
- the degree of challenge in lessons, and
- reasoning in maths lessons.
Shanghai Showcase events
Early in March, primary and secondary schools across England will be playing host to exchange teachers from Shanghai, and there’s a chance to observe a ‘Shanghai Showcase’ lesson given by the visiting teacher. These events have proved hugely popular in the past and, although some dates are to be confirmed, you can find out how you can take part by contacting your local Maths Hub.
New video reflecting the first five years of the Maths Hubs Programme
In a new video, we review the first five years of the Maths Hubs Programme and what has been achieved. In this time, over 11,000 schools have been involved - mainly through Work Groups, the model of professional development used across the network. Much of the work centres on teaching for mastery, which lies at the heart of every hub’s work.
Mathscpdchat continues
Our weekly #mathscpdchat discussions on Twitter have already started for 2020: the first discussion of the new term focused on addressing errors and knowledge gaps revealed by marking GCSE mocks. Forthcoming topics include using technology to enhance A level maths learning, and the best strategies for helping pupils learn (i.e. securely retain) their times tables facts. Log on and join in every Tuesday, 7-8pm. We’re also very interested to hear what you’d like to discuss: email us or tweet us at @mathscpdchat.
Maths subject association conferences
Between now and the summer, the maths subject associations are holding their annual conferences. Some are offering early-bird discounts, and bursaries may also be available to help with cost. The links below will take you to each association’s conference page:
- ATM, 6-9 April, Daventry, Northants
- MA (held with NANAMIC), 14-16 April, Wyboston, Bedfordshire
- MEI, 2-4 July, University of Bath
- NAMA/AMET, 28-29 February, Manchester (booking here)
- NANAMIC (held with the MA), 14-16 April, Wyboston, Bedfordshire.
In brief
- On Monday 20 January Nesta is launching the Classroom Changemakers Award which gives 15 maths and computer science teachers the chance to receive £5000 for their department. More information will be available on Nesta’s website from Monday, or you can email
- The Royal Society Partnership Grants Scheme offers £3000 to UK schools or colleges to enable pupils aged 5-18 to carry out STEM research projects in partnership with a STEM professional. The application process for 2020 opens at the beginning of February – the application form will be available on the Royal Society website.
Please do contact us if you have any comments on this newsletter.