NCETM Newsletter - February 2020
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available

This month, there’s a chance for you to express an interest in next year’s funded professional development opportunitiesfrom the NCETM and Maths Hubs.
Also this month:
Funded maths professional development opportunities for teachers and schools in 2020/21
The NCETM and Maths Hubs will soon be offering funded opportunities, in two broad categories, for next year:
- Teachers and former teachers to become local leaders of mathematics education (LLME) as Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialists, Professional Development Leads, as well as supporting existing Specialist Leaders of Education
- Primary and secondary schools to join the Teaching for Mastery Programme.
There's more information in our Mastery opportunities section, where you’ll also find an Expression of Interest form to complete.
Proposed new maths GCSE resit exam from MEI
A new curriculum for students resitting GCSE Maths proposes dropping large sections of the algebra that is currently tested, and ending the need for students to draw constructions with ruler and compasses.
In their place come topics much closer to the needs of everyday life and work, such as understanding inflation, using online maps to plan journeys, and getting the most out of spreadsheets.
The proposal comes from the NCETM’s partner organisation, MEI, after a year-long study, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
England-China teacher exchange update
The planned March exchange visit by a group of teachers from Shanghai to schools in England has regrettably been postponed due to the ongoing new coronavirus outbreak in China.
This means that the popular ‘showcase’ events in schools in which Shanghai teachers teach demonstration lessons in front of large audiences of observers will not take place.
However, some Maths Hubs are laying on similar events, with local teachers in the demonstration role. Others are re-shaping their existing calendar of open teaching for mastery events. For details of what is happening in your area, please contact your Maths Hub.
In brief
- MEI is developing a bank of resources to support teachers in introducing Data Science to their A level maths students. The first pilot set of materials will be available for summer 2020, aimed at students who have studied the first year of A level. You can find out more information on MEI’s website and express an interest in taking part
- The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration of maths, taking place each year on March 14 (’Pi Day’). For 2020, the theme is Mathematics is Everywhere, and the IDM website has more information, including downloadable activities and ideas for IDM events
- Pupils aged 8-15 years old are encouraged to take part in this year's Young Mathematical Story Author (YMSA) competition. YMSA is an annual international event, set up to encourage pupils to embed their maths learning by creating their own maths story picture book. The winner will receive an award of £100, and their school will also receive £100. The submission deadline is Friday 27 March.
Please do contact us if you have any comments on this newsletter.