Multiplication and Division Primary Mastery PD Materials now available
The first batch of Spine 2: Multiplication and Division mastery professional development materials is now available

The first batch of Spine 2: Multiplication and Division mastery professional development materials is now available to download from the Mastery Professional Development section of the NCETM website.
This first wave of publishing covers Year 1 and the first two segments of Year 2:
- (Year 1) 2.1 Counting, unitising and coins
- (Year 2) 2.2 Structures: multiplication representing equal groups
- (Year 2) 2.3 Times tables: groups of 2 and commutativity (part 1).
Designed to support teachers in the development of their subject and pedagogical knowledge, each segment comprises a printable teacher guide and an animated presentation. Together, they demonstrate how understanding of concepts can be built through small coherent steps and the application of mathematical representations.
It is important to note that these materials are not lesson plans, but they can be used in conjunction with a high-quality mastery textbook to support planning.
Subsequent segments will follow throughout the spring and summer of 2019, along with Spine 3: Fractions.
Spine 1: Number, Addition and Subtraction is already available in full.
For further information and to download segments 2.1–2.3, visit our mastery professional development page, where you will also find the complete list of Spine 2 segment titles.