
Maths leadership CPD opportunities

Applications now open for two separate professional development programmes


Maths leadership CPD opportunities

Teachers who want to achieve or enhance maths leadership accreditations can now apply for two separate professional development (PD) programmes run by the NCETM and Maths Hubs in 2020/21.

  • Teachers interested in leading the professional development of others can join the NCETM PD Lead Development and Accreditation Programme. During this programme, participants will undertake to plan, run and evaluate a professional development programme for a group of teachers. The year-long programme involves workshops and academic reading, and leads to accreditation as an NCETM PD Lead. There is also an option to gain Masters Level credits with further academic study.
  • SLEs who want support with developing approaches to maths improvement work can apply to join the Maths SLE School Improvement Support Programme. This programme provides regional network meetings (one per term) and an online community where SLEs can learn from both experts and each other. Through face-to-face workshops and school-based activities, SLEs will work on a range of strategies for developing leadership capacity and capability in the schools they support.

Both programmes require the support of the participant’s headteacher/school, and, in the case of SLEs, of the Teaching School. SLEs can take part in either or both programmes.

For more information about the PD Lead Programme and to apply, download the PD Lead Information Sheet, which includes a link to the online application form..

For more information about the SLE Programme and to apply, download the SLE Information Sheet, which includes a link to the online application form. Each applicant needs to nominate a sponsoring Maths Hub.

The closing date for applications to both programmes is 9am on Monday 8 June 2020.