Maths Hubs Programme annual report published
A comprehensive report on a full year’s activity in the Maths Hubs Programme reflects activity across all school and college phases
We’ve published a 16-page report summarising the work of Maths Hubs during the academic year 2021/22. It was a year in which a significant milestone was passed, in that the 40 Maths Hubs collectively worked with over 50% of the schools in England. The report has sections devoted to school phases (primary, secondary, post-16) and to those who lead the work at Maths Hub level, known as local leaders of mathematics education (LLME). It also has case studies on schools, colleges and individual teachers, and statistics showing the scale of the work during one year.
The report can be found as a downloadable PDF on the main page of the Maths Hubs section of the NCETM website, and there's a short introductory video below.
From now on, similar reports will be published annually.
To find out which of these types of activities you and your school can participate in this year or next, contact your local Maths Hub.