Spaces available on Mastering Number Programme from September 2022
The nationwide project for primary schools continues in 2022/23

Places are available for a September 2022 start on Mastering Number, the professional development programme from the NCETM and Maths Hubs. The programme is already running in over 6,000 primary schools, and more are invited to join in the next academic year. It is aimed at strengthening the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts, among children in the first three years of school.
Mastering Number is wholly consistent with and complementary to the Primary Teaching for Mastery Programme, which has been running in more than 8,000 schools since 2016.
Lead teacher participants (teachers of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will receive training and resources equipping them to give their class a daily short ‘number sense’ session as part of scheduled maths teaching. The programme will last for the whole school year and beyond. Over the year, children will use a range of materials and representations.
Find out more on the Mastering Number webpage, and in this short video from 2021 featuring the NCETM Director for Primary, Debbie Morgan.
Teachers in the programme will join local, online communities, led and guided by a teacher or other expert from the local Maths Hub, and engage in regular discussion and experience-sharing as they, and their pupils, progress through the programme.
<p>Contact your local Maths Hub</p>
<p>Get in touch with your local hub to find out more about the September 2022 start and book your place</p>
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