What is a Maths School?
How can students in your school benefit?

In the last decade or so, a new type of sixth form college has started appearing around the country—aimed at maths high-flyers on a trajectory to take the subject beyond A level. There are currently four in existence, with three more due to open next year. But their influence goes beyond their own students in their own locations. Below we distil the essentials for you.
What is a Maths School?
Maths Schools are post-16 institutions for students with a particular aptitude for maths who know they want to study maths or a related subject beyond A level.
They are state-funded free schools and also receive some extra government funding. Each is attached to a sponsoring university, and some also have links with a local MAT or FE college.
As more Maths Schools are opening, a University Maths Schools Network is being formed to support their continued success and to define and communicate their shared mission.
What do Maths Schools offer?
Students attending Maths Schools all study A levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics. All schools offer physics, which most students study, and additional STEM subjects. Some Maths Schools have options for studying other A levels through partnership with a nearby sixth form provider.
How do admissions work?
Students apply through the website of their chosen school. Applicants must have at least a grade 8 in GCSE Mathematics, and the application process also includes an entry exam and interview.
How many Maths Schools are there?
There are currently four maths schools, with three more due to open in 2023, and another one sometime after that. Detailed locations at the bottom of this page.
What do they offer other schools?
All Maths Schools offer mainstream secondary schools outreach programmes for pre-GCSE students, with an aptitude for maths and physics. Some of these events run online, some are face-to-face. These programmes prioritise disadvantaged and under-represented groups. Check school websites for details, as provision varies between Maths Schools.
For example:
- GCSE revision for higher grades
- masterclasses and enrichment in maths, physics, problem solving and programming
- support with university applications and entrance exams for STEM subjects
- Key Stage 4/5 transition support in maths
- summer schools.
Maths Schools also offer support and professional development for teachers in mainstream schools to help them cater for students in their own school aspiring to study STEM subjects at a high level.
For example:
- teaching ‘top set’ GCSE
- A level Further Mathematics
- enriching KS4 lessons with KS5 content to encourage students to take maths beyond GCSE.
Maths Schools already open
- Exeter Maths School
- King's Maths School, London
- Lancaster University School of Mathematics.
- University of Liverpool Maths School.
Opening in 2023
Opening in 2024
Sometime in the future
A Maths School for Birmingham is in the planning stage.