Twitter discussions about teaching maths in all phases
Join our Tuesday evening chats or read summaries on our website

How do other teachers do it? If this is something you ask yourself about some aspects of teaching maths, why not find out? Maybe you are wondering about how to approach a topic, where to start, remote teaching, resources, prerequisite knowledge, use of technology, vocabulary or some specific aspect of pedagogy? #MathsCPDChat can help.
What is #MathsCPDChat?
Our #MathsCPDChat discussions take place on Twitter on a Tuesday evening (7-8pm). They're perfect for finding the answers to your questions, sharing experiences, picking brains, magpie-ing ideas, or just getting the inspiration and encouragement to try out new approaches. Participants – other teachers just like you – are keen and generous in sharing their favourite resources and online tools.
Each week, the topic of the chat is posted on Twitter in advance (sometimes with a primary, secondary or post-16 focus). The chat is hosted by one of the ‘regulars’ who usually has a few questions or starting points lined up, but is very much a part of the discussion.
And each week the chat is written up and posted on the NCETM website so that participants have a record and can check back for any resources recommended.
Who’s it for?
Anyone with a Twitter account, who would like to chat maths teaching in real time. The chat is text-based, so may even constitute a break from all those video calls!
Why get involved?
Maybe you are new to teaching? Maybe you are a maths lead or a head of maths and want to discuss with others in a similar role? Maybe you want to find out how other schools do things? Maybe you think, live and breathe maths education and want to talk to others equally fired up about it? Or maybe you’re in a bit of a rut and want some new ideas?
Lots of our teachers tell us they just want to talk to like-minded professionals.
Maybe, as one teacher said, you like to learn new things while chilling on your own sofa!
The chat has played a particularly important role during the coronavirus pandemic when teachers have been suddenly expected to teach in completely unforeseen ways. Without research to read or experience to draw on, #MathsCPDChat has become very busy with teachers sharing ideas, good practice and mutual support. Sometimes chat topics have focused on the very immediate challenges. At other times, teachers have welcomed the opportunity to step outside the current noise and think about pedagogy for the longer term, the chat forming an important weekly component to their professional development.
Mary Pardoe, who organises the chat, welcomes suggestions of topics in all phases of maths education.
How to get involved
There's full details about how you can get involved on our #MathsCPDChat page.
What do teachers get from it?
We asked the participants themselves, and this is what they told us:
I get the advice and support of lots of wonderful, thoughtful, and experienced colleagues. I also massively enjoy being able to support others, when and where I can. (post-16 teacher)
It gives me a chance to talk to people as passionate as me about maths teaching. I always come away with a teaching idea or even a new bit of subject knowledge to consider. It improves my practice immeasurably! (second in maths)
It’s all about the passion and finding new ideas to try in the classroom. Some work, some don’t, but it’s great to diversify my teaching practice. (head of department)
It’s great to hear lots of opinions on key issues in mathematics teaching and I always learn something new or see a resource or article I’ve never come across. (second in maths)
Still not sure?
Read summaries of our most recent chats.
Follow @MathsCPDChat on Twitter and check out the #MathsCPDChat thread.
Or pop into a chat this month and see what it’s all about. You are also welcome to observe the chat without contributing, though you may find yourself unable to resist!