Ten resources for GCSE maths revision lessons
A selection of sites and resources that will help with your lesson and homework planning this revision season

This is an updated version of the article originally published in March 2019. It now includes three new resources. In October 2024, it was discovered that two of the linked websites (resources 5 and 10) are no longer working - the links to these have been removed.
You’ve taught the GCSE content and the summer exams will be on their way soon. Hopefully your students have a deep and secure understanding of all the topics covered during the course.
Only one thing now stands between them and exam success – revision!
We’ve picked out ten sites and podcasts to help you plan revision lessons and homework. They offer a range of resources, practice questions and tips you may not have come across.
We hope that at least one resource will inspire you and your students this revision season. They’ll be grateful for a new perspective, and you’ll enjoy delivering something different.
Whilst we are unable to explicitly endorse any of the external resources or content, we think you will find something useful.
1. Same Surface, Different Deep problems by Craig Barton
‘Same Surface, Different Deep’ (SSDD) problems get students to do a lot with a little. They are based on the idea that the correct solution to most maths problems involves two steps: identify the strategy needed to solve the problem, then successfully carry it out. These problems focus students’ attention on the first step, which is something that can often be overlooked.
This site features hundreds of these problems, as well as annotated worked examples. SSDD questions certainly offer a new approach to revising. They could provide an interesting starting point for your revision lessons.
2. Resourceaholic blog by Jo Morgan
Jo Morgan is synonymous with high quality resources. Her blog post collating what’s currently available for the 9-1 specification is no exception.
She has picked out a selection of practice papers, topic tests and revision cards to suit all students’ and teachers’ needs. The site also includes links to resources aimed at those students targeting a grade 9, along with plenty of Jo’s own resources.
3. Maths Appeal GCSE Exam Special podcast by Susan Okereke and Bobby Seagull
The popular Maths Appeal podcast has an episode dedicated to GCSE revision. In this episode, the presenters cover some of the main issues teachers experience when preparing their students for GCSE, and share their five top tips. It starts with an intro that's mainly aimed at parents, but beyond that there is plenty of useful content for teachers.
The podcast page also offers a wide range of other useful information for teachers, and provides links to all the websites, resources and podcasts mentioned during the discussion including Twitter accounts and videos.
4. Revision Grids by MathsBot
These customisable revision grids let you choose from 110 topics and create grids featuring up to 64 questions. You can then print them out and share them with students. The answers are available too!
The site also has timed recall and recap questions, as well as letting you put together whole papers or individual questions. It’s all focused on the 9-1 specification, and aims to help you and your students tackle reasoning and problem solving.
5. Videos, past papers and questions by Project Maths
Project Maths have hundreds of click and show, interactive and hinge questions to choose from. They also have plenty of Edexcel past papers available.
When it comes to setting homework, this site can help. Why not direct students to the questions you know they need to work on to consolidate their knowledge? They can complete differentiated tests to check their understanding.
6. Goal Free Problems by Peter Mattock
Goal free problems are exactly what they say on the tin. According to the site’s creator, they support students in improving their knowledge and understanding by taking away the unhelpful focus on getting straight to the answer.
The site offers 200 different problems covering a range of GCSE topics. The problems can be easily downloaded and printed to share with your classes in the run-up to exams.
7. All About Maths resources from AQA
For those teaching AQA, the All About Maths site is a comprehensive source of material. It includes past papers, mark schemes and analysis tools for the new GCSE. Of course, all the major exam boards have plenty of past papers available too, but AQA also offer additional resources and useful links.
Even if you don’t teach AQA, you can register on the site (you just need a school email address and centre number). You can then take advantage of the resources available, including classroom posters and Craig Barton’s diagnostic questions.
8. Planning, teaching and assessment resources from OCR
Even if you don’t teach the OCR specification, their website is worth a look. With the exception of a few past papers, most of the content is available without a login.
In the Planning and teaching section you’ll find curriculum planners, revision checklists for students, check in tests, teaching activities on a range of topics, and resources to help students make the transition from KS3 to GCSE.
9. Pearson specification resources by Maths Emporium
Maths Emporium is a site offering plenty of resources for the Pearson specification. You’ll need to register to access the content, but any maths teacher delivering any exam board can request an account.
Once logged in, you can make use of the past papers and mark schemes. Resources also include Foundation tier one-mark practice papers, skills maps with performance data, and editable QLA spreadsheets.
10. Lesson videos by The Maths Teacher
You can either use this site in lessons or share it for students to explore at home. The Maths Teacher has created around 100 videos, varying in length from a minute to half an hour. In the videos, he takes students through GCSE topics and individual questions step by step.
Students can work through the videos at their own pace. They can also select their own topics, or you can direct them to specific areas to fill gaps in their knowledge.