Getting maths back on track in Years 10 to 13
Tailored support for teachers and students from the Advanced Maths Support Programme

The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP)1 has just launched six support packages to help get students’ maths education recover after the disruption caused by the Covid crisis. I strongly recommend you take advantage of these excellent, free teaching and learning materials.
Students in Years 10 and 12 have had the first year of crucial maths examination courses severely disrupted. The AMSP packages will help maths teachers to consolidate their students’ learning, boost students’ confidence and fire students’ enthusiasm for maths, ready for next year.
Students in Years 11 and 13 are at key transition points in their education but have missed out on crucial learning. The AMSP has developed materials and programmes to provide the maths support students need to progress with confidence to the next stage of their education, including high-quality online learning programmes that students can work on over the summer.
The six packages are:
Package | Target | |
1 | Motivating students at Key Stage 4 | Secondary maths teachers and current Year 10 students |
2 | Supporting students’ transition to Level 3 study | Secondary maths teachers and current Year 11 students |
3 | Supporting students studying AS/A level Mathematics | Teachers of AS/A level Mathematics |
4 | Supporting students studying AS/A level Further Mathematics | Teachers and students of AS/A level Further Mathematics |
5 | Supporting students studying Core Maths | Teachers and students of Core Maths/current Year 11 students progressing to Core Maths or maths-related study from September |
6 | Supporting students’ transition to degree study | Teachers of AS/A level Mathematics and Year 12 and 13 students intending to progress to maths-related study at university |
The packages consist of a fantastic combination of student resources for independent study in the classroom, and for extended online support during the summer break. There are also links to high-quality PD opportunities to support student progression to Level 3 mathematics.
The AMSP has already done much to limit the damage to Level 3 maths education caused by the Covid crisis. The scale of engagement from teachers with AMSP programmes over the last year has been brilliant, reflecting teachers’ enthusiasm and commitment. The AMSP has also had a high level of engagement with its online resources to support student enrichment and transition.
These new support packages will help teachers to get maths education back on track for all those students in Years 10–13 whose mathematical learning has been disrupted.
You can find out more about each of these engaging packages of teaching and learning materials, including details of how students can sign up for online courses to support their transition from Year 11 to Year 12, or from Year 13 to university, on the AMSP website.
Please do check out these materials, use them with your students and encourage your students to engage with the online programmes.
1 The AMSP works to increase the numbers of students choosing to study for Level 3 maths qualifications post-16 (AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and Core Maths), and to support teachers and students of Level 3 maths.