Composition of numbers: 6–10
Spine 1: Number, Addition and Subtraction – Topic 1.4
Year 1
Mastery PD Materials
Extend the partitioning structure to the numbers six to ten, explore the five-and-a-bit structure of the numbers, and introduce children to the concept of odd and even numbers.
Teaching points
- Teaching point 1: The numbers six to nine are composed of 'five and a bit'. Ten is composed of five and five.
- Teaching point 2: Six, seven, eight and nine lie between five and ten on a number line.
- Teaching point 3: Numbers that can be made out of groups of two are even numbers; numbers that can't be made out of groups of two are odd numbers. Even numbers can be partitioned into two odd parts or two even parts; odd numbers can be partitioned into one odd part and one even part.
- Teaching point 4: Each of the numbers six to ten can be partitioned in different ways. The numbers six to ten can be partitioned in a systematic way.
- Teaching point 5: Each of the numbers six to ten can be partitioned into two parts; if we know one part, we can find the other part.