Comparison of quantities and part–whole relationships

Unit 2 – 3 weeks

Primary KS1 Year 1

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below.

The slides are comprehensively linked to associated pedagogical guidance in the NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials. There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in the DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020.

Learning outcomes

# Title
1 Pupils explain that items can be compared using length and height
2 Pupils explain that items can be compared using weight/mass and volume/capacity
3 Pupils count a set of objects
4 Pupils compare sets of objects
5 Pupils use equality and inequality symbols to compare sets of objects
6 Pupils use equality and inequality symbols to compare expressions
7 Pupils explain what a whole is
8 Pupils explain that a whole can be split into parts
9 Pupils explain that a whole can represent a group of objects
10 Pupils identify a part of a whole group
11 Pupils explain what a part-whole model is
12 Pupils use a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into two parts
13 Pupils use a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts