From GCSE Maths resit to primary school maths lead
A teacher explains what it’s like to lose all your confidence for maths… and then recover it

Hollie Burgess teaches maths to Year 6 at a one-form entry primary school in Rutland. She’s recently taken on the role of maths lead. But she hasn’t always found maths easy – in fact her experience of maths GCSE was tortuous and demoralising. In this conversation Hollie shares the insights her experience has given her, into what some of her pupils might be experiencing. And she encourages teachers to recognise the importance of children’s confidence and happiness in making learning possible.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion:
- Hollie Burgess, Year 6 teacher and maths lead, Ketton Church of England Primary School, Rutland
- Gwen Tresidder, NCETM Communications Manager.
Episode chapters
- 01:00 Introduction to Hollie and her school
- 03:55 Hollie’s maths story: primary and secondary school
- 10:33 Hollie’s maths story: post-16
- 15:10 Hollie’s maths story: university
- 16:20 Did you fear teaching maths?
- 17:58 How does your experience affect your classroom practice?
- 21:04 Tips for teachers who have never found maths difficult.
Useful links
Hollie tweets as @hollieteach.
At 02:58 Hollie mentions that her school is involved in Maths Hubs CPD in a Teaching for Mastery (Sustaining) Work Group with East Midlands South Maths Hub. Find out more by following the links.