
Secondary Round-up - September 2020

Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available


Secondary Round-up - September 2020

September’s Secondary Round-up brings together all our resources supporting maths teachers with the return to face-to-face teaching this autumn, and prompts thinking about CPD for the coming year.

  • Maths after school closures – a new guidance document, KS3 topic-specific videos, and departmental CPD sessions
  • NCETM Director’s blog – Charlie Stripp advocates ‘calm consolidation of fundamental topics’, avoiding talk of ‘catch-up’
  • Mathematical Prompts for Deeper Thinking – a new set of videos with supporting slides
  • Maths Hubs Programme – there’s something for everyone in the 2020/21 CPD Work Groups
  • We have a new website – a short video gives a tour.

The NCETM Secondary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.

Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.