Multiplying whole numbers and fractions

Spine 3: Fractions – Topic 3.6

Primary KS2 Year 4
Mastery PD Materials


Consider multiplication of whole numbers and proper fractions as both repeated addition and scaling. Understand that multiplication of a whole number by a proper fraction results in a smaller number.

Teaching points

  • Teaching point 1: Repeated addition of proper and improper fractions can be expressed as multiplication of a fraction by a whole number.
  • Teaching point 2: Repeated addition of a mixed number can be expressed as multiplication of a mixed number by a whole number.
  • Teaching point 3: Finding a unit fraction of a quantity can be expressed as a multiplication of a whole number by a fraction.
  • Teaching point 4: A non-unit fraction of a quantity can be calculated by first finding a unit fraction of that quantity.
  • Teaching point 5: If the size of a non-unit fraction is known, the size of the unit fraction and then the size of the whole can be found.