Adding and subtracting across 10

Unit 1 – 2 weeks

Primary KS2 Year 3

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below.

The slides are comprehensively linked to associated pedagogical guidance in the NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials. There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in the DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020.

Learning outcomes

# Title
1 Pupils add 3 addends
2 Pupils use a ‘First.. Then… Now” story to add 3 addends
3 Pupils explain that addends can be added in any order
4 Pupils add 3 addends efficiently
5 Pupils add 3 addends efficiently by finding two addends that total 10
6 Pupils add two numbers that bridge through 10
7 Pupils subtract two numbers that bridge through 10